
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 4

  • Make showreel for University interviews.
  • Find examples of job adverts for producers, camera operators and production managers from different websites or newspapers. Post the link to the advert/take a screenshot. Then write underneath what you think of the job. 
  • Those applying to university -list what courses you have applied for and which courses are interesting to you. 
  • Those NOT applying to university, research online/short courses that could improve your skills and explain what is interesting about them. 
  • Write a CV for a media job.
  • SWOT -an audit of your skills to help you make plans for your future.
  • Finally write about what you want to do after college and which skills you want to develop or what you hope to achieve in the industry. Are you interested in freelance filming, more work's experience or apprenticeships?


This is a job advert for a camera operator/film production internship. I would be interested in this to widen my camera skills and to gain some experience. It is based in London which would be a cool place to visit and I would be filming a variety of different types of productions. 

This is another job application for a camera operator in a studio which would be perfect as I have experience in studio production and I can operate a camera easily. 

This is a job application for a Video Production Assistant. It is a full-time job focusing on both post and pre-production work which would help to gain vital skills needed to get into the media world.


Choices for University
I have applied for 5 courses in 4 different Universities both Media production and Film production as I haven't quite decided which one I'm more interested in yet. I think I will like either course as I am really interested in the creative process of television and film. I enjoy making a production and seeing it from start to finish in all aspects of the post and pre-production process. Specifically I am interested in camera and editorial work so a course as practical as these two would be ideal for someone like me; who works best hands on engaged in practical work. 


Online courses/apprenticeships


  • I am hard-working and I aways work to the best of my ability. 
  •  I am a good organiser meaning I can plan a structure. 
  •  I am consistent. 
  •  I am flexible and adaptable meaning I can adapt my ideas around a variety of different briefs.
  • Drawing. 
  •  Can work myself too hard -perfectionist. 
  • I'm not assertive or direct -struggle when giving people instructions or trying to control situations.  
  •  Poor public speaking skills. 
  • Easily stressed.  
  •  Can get distracted easily -tend to be somewhat of a procrastinator unless I focus which is usually focusing too hard causing more stress.
  • Unit 27 (Making a Documentary) will educate me on factual programming and I will find different topics to base it on.   
  • Unit 21 (Camera Workshops/Editing Refresher) will enhance my technical skills by showing me different techniques, hints and tips to improve my skills, improving my knowledge by giving me constant practice and reminders.  
  • University courses -media production will give me all round knowledge of the media both theoretical and technical, enhancing my skills. 
  • University course- film production will give me a more focused knowledge learning about film production specifically rather than a broader range of knowledge.
  • Money could be a problem seeing as though I don't have it which would limit my skills as my technology would be quite limited which could make my productions look amateur.   
  • Pressure to succeed could cloud my judgement and cause a lack of focus. 
  • Anxiety and depression can lead to stress and lack of motivation, making me work slower or faster depending on what mental state I'm in. 
  •  Family pressure to go to university, not to disappoint the family, to earn money. 
After college I'm not really sure what I would like to do exactly. University is an option which could be explored, having applied for a UCAS application I may end up doing a degree. However an apprenticeship or volunteering opportunities could benefit me equally as well giving me practical skills over the theory work. Freelance filming could be interesting but I'm not really sure how I'd go about that, I'd need a lot of money that I don't have and equipment which again I don't have. In the industry I hope to make something different, something meaningful about important issues to give people information on things that they aren't always taught in schools such as: mental health issues or bullying which effects a lot of people but isn't addressed enough in schools.

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