
Thursday 19 September 2013

Video Editing Lesson

In yesterdays lesson we learnt how to use the computer programme: Final Cut Pro. I learnt that FCP is a Non-linear Editing programme which is non-destructive. This means that you do not need to edit shots/video in order and that the original piece of video/audio will not get changed in any way. I understand that it is for professional editing, he formats are all professional this means that it is not set up for MP3 formats. I learnt a few handy keyboard shortcuts and how to store files. Within this I learnt the basics of using FCP and the names for the different features on this particular programme.

The workflow of filming and editing is quite simple. You start by filming creating video footage which is saved onto the camera memory card. From this area you would then drag the clips into the blue icon which says BTEC drive this means that everyone in your group can access the files. When you are ready to edit you would drag the footage to the scratch drive as it works faster and smoother for the editing process.

This is a picture of FCP featuring labels detailing the buttons and areas of the programme.

The BROWSER window is where you keep all of your video and audio footage. You can also store files in this area too.
The VIEWER window is where you will see the original clips put together where as the CANVAS window is where you see the edited piece of work.
The TIMELINE window is where you drag the video and audio footage to make your video.
How to make clips
In basic terms you upload videos from the scratch drive, place your mouse over the selected clips placing them onto the area of the timeline you want the clip. You can shorten the clip by dragging your mouse over the block on the timeline and cropping it down by pulling it to the position you want. To play the clip you can either press the play button on the window or press I on the keyboard. Likewise with stopping the clip you can do the same by pressing the letter O on the keyboard.
Shortcuts for Apple Macs:
Print Screen= Shift, command and 3. Also shift, command and 4.
Save= Command and S

I learnt a lot in the lesson about how to edit and work in more detail.

In the second lesson of video editing we learnt several different things like trimming audio and how to overwrite videos so that for example a video with someone speaking could run whilst an example of what they were speaking about could be shown. Along the side of the timeline window there are audio mixers and along the bottom there are icons which can do a variety of different things. I learnt how to make a second sequence- right click on sequences and make a new one. Below is an image of the timeline with some edits displayed onto it. 

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