
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Film Task

The scene that we are watching is the party scene in the dark knight. the setting of the scene is at a party  in a big hotel suite. A prop that is used in this scene is the knife that the joker has. He uses this knife to intimidate the party guests. The prop makes the audience focus on him more by the way that he talks when using the knife. Batman in this scene starts the scene of in a suit, later on in the scene he then appears dressed as the batman. the fact that he turns in his suit adds suspense to the scene and gets the audience more excited and feel more involved with the scene because you are expecting something good when he appears. It is a typical thing for a superhero to turn up making a dramatic entrance. The jokers costume the scene is in that specific way with the scars to scare the audience and shock them. the costume also links back to the knife that he carries because he uses a specific knife to talk about the whole image of himself and gain the feared image that he wants. the background actors use specific facial expressions to act scared of the joker and his henchmen when they arrive. There is specific facial expressions between the joker and the old man because the old mans eyes are wide open showing that he is scared of what the joker is going to do. a specific use of off screen space is where the joker arrives in the lift and is looking out into the party. another use is where batman turns around and is looking at the joker with a gun to the woman's head. This adds suspense because the audience don't know what batman is looking at at first and why he has stopped. The room is all lit up because it is a party and this is using high key lighting. The color wash is making the scene brighter adding emphasis to the fact that they are in a city. A specific camera shot is a tracking shot when the joker is circling the girl and the shot is following him. A specific camera movement is when the camera track batman as he falls of the end of the building the camera tilts downwards. Specific camera angle is when the camera is over the mans shoulder looking in the jokers face. A depth of focus is when the camera is following the joker as he enters the foreground of the frame and the background actors are blurred out slightly to add emphasis to the joker and allow the audience to follow what is going on.

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