
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Mise en scene task

Scene from fantasy/sci-fi film. Make a list of the settings and props that are used, are they typical of their genre? OR choose a battle scene from a film between a hero and villain. Look at their costumes and facial expression, comment on being able to spot the type of character they are.

I chose a scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. In this scene Harry and Voldermort have their final battle. You know straight away that Harry is the hero because he is wearing ordinary clothing, he wears a determined look on his face throughout the scene. We see a close up of Harry's face at (0:18) showing a desperate look on his face, this makes the audience feel his desperation and feel empathy for him. At (0:19) you see a mid-shot of Voldermort, focusing in on his facial expression, he looks scary and evil this helps us to tell that he is the villain. This makes me feel scared of him and scared for Harry. His clothing is long and cloaked showing his need for power and how he things he is above everyone else.

There is a tracking shot following the snake-Nigini showing an evil atmosphere, which links back to Voldermort being evil and his facial features looking somewhat snake like. (0:33-0:41) you see close ups of the two protagonists faces, both showing anger and desperation. The glint of fear in Voldermort's eyes show how desperate of a villain he is, this makes him different to the stereotypical villain as he is showing his weakness. I feel very emotional when I see this part of the scene because it makes me feel sympathy for him and think as to how his life is and how sad of a life he has had. I think it is a very powerful image, helping us hate him yet relate to his fear and actually feel something towards him. As you see Harry's face you see the dirt and the sweat as he battles, branching out from other heroes, you see him gaining power as a hero. At (1:21) you see Harry smiling, his bravery showing as he fires a spell at Voldermort. His expression is happiness and determination, strength all traits of a hero-like character. Voldermort's expression at (1:28) shows his confusion and fear as he knows he is losing, his villain aspects slowly slipping away from him.

The resounding part for me was at (1:51) you see a mid-shot of Harry, his expression with a slight smile shows me the victory of our hero. The relief in his eyes show his strength and power. This makes me feel proud of harry and happiness for his victorious ending.

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