
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Cinematography task

Watch a clip from a disaster film or an action sequence, look at how the camera moves, how is the audience supposed to feel, tense, do you flinch, is it hard to follow making it more exciting? Is this type of camera work typical from a disaster film or an action sequence?

I chose a scene from Hard boiled. In this scene the camera is mostly a tracking shot following the two main characters as they shoot and fight alongside one another. It looks to me as though they are using tracking shits but from over the shoulder so it looks like it is from the character from behind's point of view. The camera shows smooth tracking as we follow the character's movements, they move slow so the camera moves slow with them creating a tense atmosphere for the viewers. The action happens right in front of the camera making me flinch and jump as though the action is heading straight for me. I don't think it is hard to follow, I think there is a lot going on in the scene so the steady camera work following them helps the audience to follow the characters and hence what is going on in the scene. The camera work is very quick and easy so it looks very action packed, as though you are creeping around a corner, the camera tracking and panning helps to see around the scene allowing the audience to focus in on different aspects of the scene and see all of the action at once. I think this type of camera work is quite typical for an action sequence because it follows the action as it's happening and it doesn't cut to different shots, it follows the character's gaining their point of view and a first look on at the action happening. I think it makes it exciting to see everything at once, it gives it a heads on feel.

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