
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Unit 4 and 23 Studio Production 2 Task 1

Topic/Issue you want to deal with and what you hope the program will achieve. Pick a creative and well thought out idea, using found images for your set/presenter/themes etc,
Research the target audience what kinds of people watch similar programmes to the one you want to make? Give a list of  reasons for why your idea would be popular with audiences through linking to viewing figures
Constraints: List some things that might cause problems for your production (time/personnel needed/the sort of set/knowledge of the studio equipment)  explain how you might get over these problems
Genre what type of programme is it, what are the typical conventions of this sort of programme, what are you going to do to yours to make it more creative the program 
Guests/Crew needed Make a list of people you will need in the studio (presenter, participants, vision mixer, camera operators, number of microphones) What sort of people would you need to be in the programme? 
VT needed  You need a pre filmed piece that you can edit into your production. What can you film and how will it fit into the programme?
Outline structure  Roughly what will happen, a draft script/step by step/three act structure outline of the programme is needed.


For my idea I was thinking of doing a mock news show which would make the current news a bit more interesting by telling news stories in a funny way. Like on Celebrity Juice I would style my programme as a news show which would require interviews or "fake VTs" that would tell you about a news story such as Shia La Boeuf wearing a bag on his head in a way which would make you laugh because it is intentionally making light of a situation to get a comedic element across. The topics can be a mixture of entertainment/music/sport with stories about important "famous" people and things that would effect a younger more student based audience so things on the student bulletin and important things going on in college by using VTs and mock presenters to get the information across in a funnier more relaxed way. It would have different sections of the set for each bit so the camera would flick between the two and would have a very light-hearted atmosphere so a few bright colours and maybe just the ASFC logo used in some way as a backdrop and put on the news desks. 

Pictures like this is what I mean by a wider set up, so there would be different areas for each different sections like in any news show when they have a separate area for the weather etc.

For the show there would be one or two presenters sat behind a desk who introduce it and for the different sections there would be different presenters such as a sports presenter or someone similar to a presenter. 

The theme of my programme would be a similar style to mock the week or celebrity juice but a less risqué version just adding slapstick comedy in and using less offensive words and sexual comments. 


Target Audience:
I would suggest that the people who would watch programmes similar to the one I plan to make would be students and young adults. I think they could like my news programme as it is less serious than other news programmes and it would have similarities to popular panel shows Celebrity Juice and Mock The Week which would target the young audience range as would the information given out as it is directly aimed at students and it would effect their age bracket.

Some reasons as to why my idea may be popular with these audiences may be:

  • Teenagers like something that makes them laugh. 
  • People of these ages may find the topics relatable and feel as though they're involved. 
  • It would catch people's attention and keep them engaged as it is something pretty random and different to other news programmes.
  • Things such as Mock The Week regularly attract 3.5 million viewers. 
  • I would feature current affairs and things that this generation of students would be interested in by using social media and things suck as University, jobs and apprenticeships to specifically target the audience and hopefully give them more things to relate to and make their life somewhat easier by watching something which could give tips and make light of a stressful situation. 

Some things that may cause problems for the production could be:
  1. Lack of knowledge of the studio equipment.
  2. Scripting the show and finding people to act in it. 
  3. We don't have a big set.
  4. Running out of time or people not showing up.
1. Although these may become a problem when coming to make the production then we could find some ways around them. Lacking knowledge of the equipment in the studio could be solved by having practice with the equipment and trial runs to help improve our technical skills. As we've done a previous studio production our technical skills have improved and we will have time to continue to improve our skills and practice using the equipment before the production is actually made.
2. The issue with the script could be solved by only having a rough script to go off and letting a bit of it be improvised to get the right balance so that people aren't going off topic but they don't look like they're reading completely off of a script. Finding people to act in it may be quite a big problem as we want it to look believable, this would take time and we'd have to ask around within the people in our team to see if they knew anyone who would want to be in it and people who would be good in it.Then we would have read throughs to see whether the people are right for our production and so that the actors don't sound wooden and our script doesn't sound monotoned or clunky. 
3. The fact that our set wouldn't be that big or creative would be an issue however we would just have to work on what we'll have, we would have to rely on the cast to make it funny so that the set wouldn't be as important. 
4. Finally a big problem could be running out of time and people not showing up on time for production rehearsals or production meetings. It would stall our time in the studio and could potentially cause a big problem if we're missing someone that has an important role such as camera operator or vision mixers as our work load would be made longer as we would have to find replacements. This could be solved by setting out a clear schedule and getting in touch with members of your team to arrange times and to make sure everyone is around.  
I would say that the programme would be of a comedic genre and a factual programme. 
  • The typical conventions of a comedy are...
  • There is usually a lot of sarcasm, wit and wordplay with people (characters)
  • Lots of bright colours
  • There is usually a VT 
  • There is lots of varying types of humour. Matching different types of people. 
  • The typical conventions of a news show/documentary are...
  • Having interviews
  • Seeing actual footage 
  • Studio news readers
  • Voice overs of someone talking about a story over a clip or some found images.
  • Vox Pops (Voice of the people, short interviews with the public)
  • Graphics (Usually typography or animation used to aid a story with quotes or figures)
To make mine a more creative programme I shall try to follow as many of the generic conventions of both comedies and news shows to mix them together to create a hybrid programme.

  • 1 or 2 Studio News Readers/Presenters.
  • A couple of other presenters for different sections.
  • 2 Vision Mixers.
  • 3 Camera Operators.
  • 2-3 Microphones -possibly a boom pole if more sound is required.
  • Director.
  • Floor Manager.
  • Production Manager.
  • Sound Operator. 
We would need VTs of people getting interviewed, they would be cued up and led in by the presenters. We could film cutaway shots and use found images to back up a current news story it would depend on the news selected. 

Outline Structure:
  • The programme starts with a news theme tune intro using audio and visual effects (graphics) to focus in on a mid/two-shot of presenter/presenters introducing the news show.
  • They would talk about what was coming in, the camera angles would stay roughly the same throughout the introduction, only changing slowly and not by much. 
  • They would then talk about something that happened in the week -a graphic of text rolling across the screen would happen featuring current news. E.g. Shia La Boeuf wearing a bag on his head using a snappy headline to capture attention which would then lead to a mock VT of him being "interviewed" and then back to a close up of the presenter/presenters looking confused and then proceeding to say more about the story. 
  • They then say 'over to __________ with the student bulletin' the camera would then move to the person announcing the student bulletin. 
  • During the announcement of the student bulletin various sound effects will be played purposely to create comedy from things "going wrong" e.g. if a crowd started appearing the presenter of that segment could look confused and make a comment about it. 
  • The camera would then pan slowly back into a mid-shot of the presenter/presenters who has/have fallen asleep. 
  • The presenters then talk some more before coming to a conclusion and the programme ends there.

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