
Friday 17 October 2014

Unit 23 Assignment 1

Multi-camera Production is where something is filmed using multiple cameras to simultaneously film something. They usually are broadcasting live and it is often filmed on a set. 

Programmes such as: Celebrity Juice, Friends, This Morning, Jeremy Kyle, Sporting Events and news programmes are all examples of a multi-camera production.

Single Camera Production is a method of filmmaking where a single camera is used to film each individual shot to make up a scene. However sometimes on single camera productions more than one camera is used to film something such as a chase or an action scene as it would be hard to get it all with just one camera.

These sorts of programmes such as: The Inbetweeners, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars and Coronation Street are all examples of single camera production.

The Pros and Cons of a Multi-Camera Production

The following websites talk about the pros and cons of multi camera production...

From these websites I found that the most common pros and cons of multi-camera production were:

  • Using multi-camera production is time saving.
  • As some events are live you couldn't go back and shoot it again, things such as: sporting events or live performances.
  • It would be easier to set up as you wouldn't have to constantly move the cameras around which would make it cheaper and in some ways more efficient. 
  • The company would save money on editing as you would mix it together live using a vision mixer.
  • It doesn't allow much shot variety -if you wanted a different shot like an over the shoulder shot it wouldn't be possible to move the camera set up.
  • If something goes wrong whilst filming you couldn't film it again. 

The following types of broadcast use multi camera set ups: 

  • Studio News
  • Panel Shows
  • Quiz Shows
  • Morning magazine programmes
  • Sports Events

This Morning uses multi camera techniques. The time code 00:57-1:02 shows how the camera changed from being a two shot of Holly and Philip to a mid-shot of Katie Hopkins. We then see the camera zooming out into a wide two-shot of Katie and Anna on the couch 1:09-1:13. They had to use more than one camera to show the different responses and people without the movement looking too quick or jerky.

Celebrity Juice is another example of a programme that uses multi camera techniques. 2:08-2:15 shows the camera change, from one being a side angle of Louis to a side angle wide shot which zooms in and pans slightly to show more guests. They couldn't have used a single camera because there are a lot of people on throughout the show and it would institute a lot of running back and forth which would take too long and you might miss some of the action on screen missing people's reactions which would make the show less funny.

Football Matches are a different example of programmes which use a multi camera set-up. In this programme we see it change from a wide shot high angle at 0:50 to a high angle close up at 0:55. This shows that it is a different camera as it is looking from a completely different viewpoint. This type of programme would not have worked as a single camera production as it involves too many people to keep note of and the camera operator would be constantly running back and forth to keep with the action.

  Alan Carr Chatty Man is the final example of a programme that uses multi camera set-up. At 0:14 we see a wide shot from the left of the set which then moves to a mid-shot of Katy Perry which is more central of her looking into the camera this shows how the vision mixers have flicked from one camera to another. A chat show style programme is good in a multi camera set-up because they are usually live and it feels more personal as it allows the cameras to get closer more precise shots and it includes the audience which we see, the direction of several cameras allows the audience to see everything a guest is saying without missing it because it wasn't close enough.

When you look at the football match coverage compared with that of the camera styles of This Morning they have both made successful uses of a multi-camera set up allowing the audience to follow the action. In my opinion I believe that This Morning works better, the shot changes look smoother to me and seeing the reactions of the different guest and Holly and Philip gets me more interested in the topic whereas with the football it feels like the movements are jerky. I think the best use of multi camera is in Celebrity Juice, the camera moves to show us different people's reactions which makes the show funnier it wouldn't have worked as a single camera production as it needs VT's and there are so many things that needed to be on camera that it would have been too hard to film it with just one camera. Lastly I think that Alan Carr could have been a single camera production as it mainly focuses on one area of the set so you wouldn't necessarily need more than one camera to film it. 

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