
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Unit 23 and 4 Studio Production (Planning)

Each person in the group needs to come up with their own idea and needs to write a blog post using the bold headings below


 you want to deal with and what you hope the program will achieve. Pick a creative and well thought out idea, using found images for your set/presenter/themes etc,

  • Lies/excuses that people tell. -chat show
  • Relating to people -topics that are funny, relatable. 
  • It would be like a chat show making fun of the ones that have serious debates, almost like a parody which allows people to tell funny stories and talk about excuses that people tell to avoid doing something or the lies that people tell you to get you to do something or explain something to you. It could then move from joking around to something more political or controversial.


Research the target audience what kinds of people watch similar programmes to the one you want to make? Give a list of  reasons for why your idea would be popular with audiences through linking to viewing figures

I would say that the people who would watch similar programmes to the one that I hope to make would be from teenagers onwards, the programme that I hope to make is like a cross between mock the week and the world debate. I would say that they would like my programme because it will be a debating show which people of these ages could find it interesting and it would hopefully have a bit of a comedic element to it. 

Some reasons as to why my idea may be popular with these audiences may be:
  • Teenagers like something that makes them laugh. 
  • People of these ages may find the topics relatable and feel as though they're involved. 
  • It would catch people's attention and keep them engaged as there would be apposing opinions and the topics would change constantly.
  • Similar things that would involve debating such as Question Time got 7.9 million viewers in 2009. 
  • Things such as Mock The Week regularly attract 3.5 million viewers. 

Constraints: List some things that might cause problems for your production (time/personnel needed/the sort of set/knowledge of the studio equipment)  explain how you might get over these problems

Some things that may cause problems for the production could be:
  1. Lack of knowledge of the studio equipment.
  2. Scripting the show -it's hard to script debates and make them look natural.
  3. Finding people to act in it. 
  4. We don't have a big set.
Although these may become a problem when coming to make the production then we could find some ways around them. Lacking knowledge of the equipment in the studio could be solved by having practice with the equipment and trial runs to help improve our technical skills. The issue with the script could be solved by only having a rough script to go off and letting a bit of it be improvised to get the right balance so that people aren't going off topic but they don't look like they're reading completely off of a script. Finding people to act in it may be quite a big problem as we want it to look believable, this would take time and we'd have to ask around within the people in our team to see if they knew anyone who would want to be in it and people who would be good in it. Finally the fact that our set wouldn't be that big or creative would be an issue however we would just have to work on what we'll have, we would have to rely on the cast to make it funny so that the set wouldn't be as important. 

Genre what type of programme is it, what are the typical conventions of this sort of programme, what are you going to do to yours to make it more creative the program 

I would say that the programme would be of a comedic genre and a factual programme. 
  • The typical conventions of a comedy are...
  • There is usually a lot of sarcasm, wit and wordplay with people (characters)
  • lots of bright colours
  • there is usually a VT 
  • There is lots of varying types of humour. Matching different types of people. 
To make mine a more creative program I shall follow the generic conventions and have bits of different senses of humour. 
Guests/Crew needed Make a list of people you will need in the studio (presenter, participants, vision mixer, camera operators, number of microphones) What sort of people would you need to be in the programme? 

  1. 2 or 3 participants and a presenter
  2. 2 vision mixers
  3. 3 camera operators
  4. 2 or 3 microphones (and maybe a boom pole if more sound is needed)
  5. Director
  6. Floor Manager
  7. Sound operator
  8. Production Manager

VT needed You need a pre filmed piece that you can edit into your production. What can you film and how will it fit into the programme?

We could film a theme tune for visual effects and have it at the beginning. We could also have another VT relating to the topic of someone speaking or making a joke of some sort.

Outline structure  Roughly what will happen, a draft script/step by step/three act structure outline of the programme is needed.

Roughly the programme will start with an introduction by the presenter telling us what the topic today is and who the participants are. 

Then the participants will have a chat and debate about the topic.

It will then branch to a different topic and it will continue like this. 

It will basically continue like this. 

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