
Thursday 10 October 2013

Updated parts for Auteur Presentation Script

A lot of sound in Spielberg's work is quite powerful used to create an impact on the audience and mould their emotions to the way he wants them to feel. A good example of this is in the film Jaws.
In this scene the sound is really significant.  At the start of the scene the diegetic ambient sound is insanely quiet, this is powerful as it creates an uneasy atmosphere within the audience's feelings. The soundtrack starts to build up slowly building tension and creating a sense of fear and suspense within the viewing audience. The sound speeds up getting louder, this changes the tone creating a dangerous tone and this helps include the audience as they begin to feel fear for the person in the water and a fear of the unknown as the music speeds up going with the shots as the shark comes into view both furthering the narrative of danger and suspense. As the shark gets closer and the fear of the man is clearly shown the music speeds up, the volume getting louder, the tone rapidly changing to match the feared impact the sound has on its audience.

Why Spielberg is an Auteur

I believe that Steven Spielberg is an Auteur because the techniques and similarities throughout his films are easily spotted. An example of how he is an auteur is the common theme in many of his films of someone "ordinary" finding something extraordinary for example in Raiders of the lost Ark and E.T. In Spielberg's work he uses lots of dark colours impacting the tone of the movie which represents sadness, evil, general negativity throughout the movies. Getting the audience to feel sympathetic for character in these scenes and expecting to see a sad scene.

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