
Friday 20 September 2013

The Shining Task (Review)

Write a review about 'The Shining'

What did the critics and the audience say about it?
In your opinion how good were the actors performances?
Give specific examples of innovative or unusual cinematography and mise en scene 

The reaction to 'The Shining' was quite varied but most of the critics commended Jack Nicholson's acting in this psychological supernatural film with horror and mystery elements. Below are a few quotes from different reviews written by critics and the general public.

"Technically, there is no better film in the genre. Its chills are less direct (that is until Torrance finally throws off the shackles of sanity), rather something that creeps under the skin to unsettle and disturb" 

"The Kubrick version can likewise be seen metaphorically, but it’s metaphors are more numerous and harder to interpret. They run the gamut from the duality of man to the exploitation of the Native Americans, depending on how deep you want to dig through the clues. Alcoholism is mentioned, but in such an offhand manner that it gives us the impression that drinking is more of a symptom than a cause for Jack Torrance’s behaviour."

"But there is no way, within the film, to be sure with any confidence exactly what happens, or precisely how, or really why." 

"The sheer terror that I experienced in viewing "The Shining" was enough to make me go to bed with the lights turned ON every night for an entire summer. This movie just scared the life out of me, which is what still happens every time I rent the video for a re-watch. I have seen The Shining at least six or seven times, and I still believe it to be simultaneously and paradoxically one of the most frightening and yet funniest films I've ever seen." 

"The film is simultaneously scary, suspenseful, beautiful, and psychologically intriguing. It has the classic mystery of Hitchcock and the terror of a modern thriller. And it has what horror movies usually lack: a great script." 

In my opinion the overall acting standards were really good, in particular the characters of Jack and Danny. The facial expressions that Danny used were really good, they made me feel his panic and shock, they also made me laugh quite a lot. I thought that Jack was really good, he creeped my out in a lot of the scenes but his performance drew me in forcing my eyes to remain glued to the screen. However the character of his wife; Wendy really annoyed me if the room wasn't silent I would probably have yelled at the screen for her to stop being so silly. I thought that some of her acting was quite believable but that was overshadowed by the fantastic acting around her and her over dramatic reactions. 

The cinematography and mise en scene in this film were varied, they made the film a thrilling yet scary tale throughout causing a perfect reaction from the unsuspecting audience. The setting was a vital part of the film as it set the scene and the mood for the entire film. Being set in the middle of nowhere in snow covered mountains created a tense and isolated atmosphere making the audience feel tense from the very beginning. It strengthens the narrative moving away from the typical "graveyard" stereotypical horror setting. The change in setting happened quickly making the audience feel trapped in their own maze of intrigue  disgust and curiosity. 

The costumes were generally quite casual and relaxed creating a contrast between the tense and fearful atmosphere the narrative creates and the everyday life that the costumes display. It confuses the audience but leaves them feeling on edge and keeps them guessing. The use of facial expression and movement was unlimited, every scene featured an excellent use of the two so noting them all would've been out of the question however there were some good examples in my opinion that focused in on those aspects particularly well. There were several close ups of both Jack's and Danny's faces, these shots were used to create a specific reaction of shock and fear in the audience's minds. It helped to intrigue the audience and make them feel more tense watching the character's shock/fear especially in Danny. Where as in Jack it adds suspense and tension as well as the element of fear and disgust. 

Something that was vital in the film was the use of props present. These include: the typewriter, Danny's toy car, the axe and the bat. The axe is used to create a scary and panicked atmosphere, making you fear for Danny and Wendy's life. The axe is a key part of the film as it is the climax ending with Jack using the axe to try to kill Wendy and Danny, this already scares and shocks the audience. The toy car that Danny rides through the hotel on is an interesting use of cinematography and mise en scene as it both a prop and a camera shot/movement. Kubrick uses a tracking shot to follow Danny however unusually Kubrick places the racking shot at a low level. I think he does this to make the audience feel vulnerable and that they are in the same position as Danny. 

Something interesting about Kubrick's use of camera angles was the scene where Wendy hits Jack with the bat making him fall down the stairs. Using the high and low angles to create a sense of power and victimise a particular person. What is different to the usual ways in other films is that in this film the roles are reversed. Wendy is filmed from a low angle and Jack from a high angle, showing Jack's power over Wendy as her fearful expression comes to light however as Jack comes closer to her (still in a high angle) Wendy gains more power turning Jack into the victim now and herself into the one with the power. This contrasts to the levels and their significance by changing the power between the two characters but never changing the angle. Another example of cinematography is the use of colour washes. Kubrick uses bright colours and block colours to trap the characters and isolate them in this way. The audience feel this isolation as they are blinded by the light which is different from the narrative of gore/horror/psychological thriller. You would expect scenes of this nature to be darker and by having them in high key lighting it challenges the genres and makes the narrative more intriguing, giving the element of surprise and difference. 

I found this experience interesting however I can safely say that horror movies aren't my thing. This film left me feeling vulnerable and on edge, shocking me, making me laugh, making me jump. It left me coming up with my own conclusions but still asking questions. It filled me with confusion and fear. They were interesting lessons I must admit.

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