
Thursday 11 December 2014

Unit 29 Assignment 2 Initial Ideas

Unit 29, Assignment 2 -Initial Ideas

Hold On Till May

  • Narrative -with lyric interpretation, characters -girl, boy. 
  • Cinematic camera shots -could look like a scene from a film- grainy, light spotting. Panning and tilting camera movements
  • Setting- field, trees, landscaping, house -bathroom
  • Possible band in the BRIDGE of the song
"She sits up high surrounded by the sun
One million branches and she loves every one" -high angle shots of a teenage girl sat in a tree alone, the colour will be black and white. 

"Mom and dad, did you search for me?
I've been up here so long I'm going crazy!" -shots from behind of the girl walking through trees. then a shot of her looking behind which will cut to an over the shoulder shot of her looking back. The scene then turns darker (change in lighting -low key) to show the time change. 

"And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound
And as we own this night
I put your body to the test with mine" -The transition from verse to chorus will be shown with a light leak, changing from negative/black and white colouring to quite bright and will have shots of the band lip-synching as they play the song. 

"This love was out of control
3-2-1 where did it go?" -at the end of the chorus the colour/lighting will be really light and colourful with a light leak that then changes it back to negative/black and white. 

"Now don't be crazy
Yes now of course you can stay here.
Been in a touring band for going on ten years.
"Big deal," she said, "I guess you're official."" -show wide shot black and white of a boy and a girl. They're arguing, close up shots of him signalling for her to stay. He's pleading with her to stay- shots of him grabbing her arm (over the shoulder shot from the girl). Wide shot of her shrugging his hand off as she shouts at him. Shot of her starting to walk away. 

""I only said it 'cause I know what it's like to feel" 
Burned out
It gets you down,
We've all been there sometimes" -wide shot of him running after her, mid shot of her face as he enters in the background. Wrack focusing shots -he stands slightly behind her as she stands still. Close ups of her face as she sighs and looks defeated. Wrack-focusing on her face as we see a mid shot of him come into focus as he empathises with her. 

"But tonight I'll make you feel beautiful once again" -two person wide shot as he grabs her hand and pulls her close to him. 

"And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound
And as we own this night
I put your body to the test with mine" -The transition from verse to chorus will be shown with a light leak, changing from negative/black and white colouring to quite bright and will have shots of the band lip-synching as they play the song. 

"This love was out of control
3-2-1 where did it go?" -at the end of the chorus the colour/lighting will be really light and colourful with a light leak that then changes it back to negative/black and white. 

"If I were you, I'd put that away" -(Black and White) low angle shot of the girl sat in the bathroom with pills next to her. Close up of her face as she cries. 

"See, you're just wasted
And thinking about the past again" -( Black and white) flashback montage of her past -parents yelling at her, the fight with her boyfriend, her walking lonely. 

"Darling you'll be okay" -wrack focusing close up shot of the girl (out of focus) and then the camera tilts upwards to show her phone. Close-up shot of a text message she received of the boy. The words on the screen of the phone are 'Darling You'll Be Okay <3' 

""If you were me, you'd do the same
'Cause I can't take anymore" -Parallel shot of the a boy running down the road, as he gets closer to the house (as a tracking shot) whilst the girl sits in the bathroom holding the pills as she tries to calm herself from crying (wide shot).

""I'll draw the shades and close the door
Everything's not alright and I would rather..."" -Continuos parallel shot as  the boy runs up the pathway to the house, He runs up the stairs and runs to the bathroom, banging on the door -this turns to slow motion as you see him screaming and banging on the door you see the girl lying on the floor with the empty pill bottle. There is an over the shoulder wide shot of the boy as he kicks the door open.There is then a bright white light leak leading back into the chorus.

"And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound (over the sound) 
And as we own this night
I put your body to the test with mine" -shots of the band playing and lip-synching. Parallel action -we see shots of the band playing as the boy cradles the girl in his arms.

"This love was out of control
Tell me where did it go?" -parallel action of the band singing whilst we see an over the shoulder shots of the boy carrying the girl, we see him laying her on the bed, mid shot of the boy closing her eyelids. We see him kiss the top of her head. As we watch him walk away with a wide shot the colour changes so it looks old as we see little specks and black lines making it look like an old movie scene as the boy just carries on walking. 

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