
Thursday 9 January 2014

Reflective Analysis

  • What worked?
I think that our documentary created a heavy impact which worked well with the topic we chose to base it on. I think our use of focusing worked really well and made the production look interesting and emotional. The make-up created some great imagery that made the audience empathise and think more deeply about the issues raised.
  • Why did it work well?
It worked well because the topic needed some heavy images to create a bold impact which i feel that the make-up and the numerous close-up shots created. 
  • What could have been improved?
I think we could have gotten more sources of information to make our documentary more informative. We could have have had more interviews with teachers and more students. Some graphics and editing could have been used to make it look more appealing and "flashy".
  • How will you improve your next production?
In my next production I plan on using more editing methods and making it look more appealing by use of graphics and different sounds. I want to change camera techniques and experiment a bit more to make it stand out more. 
  • What new skills did you learn?
I learnt how to create sound and how to make the video format clearer. I used different skills to come up with new and original ideas. 

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