
Monday 30 September 2013

Unit 26 assignment 1 Auteur Assignment

Possible scenes: 

This is the scene from Jurassic Park where the T-REX breaks out of the fences. At the start of the scene the camera shot is a close up zooming in on the rippling of the water, you can hear the diegetic ambient sound of the rain this creates a dark and gloomy tone to this particular scene. The colour washes of dark colours in low key lighting makes the scene darker, building tension within the scene and a certain level of expectation as to what will happen next making the audience feel fear and panic as they wait in suspense and intrigue.
The camera shots are quite quick within the scene however the shot durations start slow furthering the narrative, this makes the action seems sudden and scarier this makes the audience feel vulnerable and apprehensive. It could make the audience feel as though they are in the car with the children. The constant close ups of the people's faces at the start builds tension furthering the narrative and showing the danger that they could face. What is quite interesting in this scene is that the depth of focus is used in a slightly different way, through the framing of characters/creatures through rich foreground objects. In this scene the object being the wind shield of the car as the Tyrannosaurs comes into the shot.  Spielberg uses a few different camera angles, when the girl looks out of the car the shot is from a low angle as though it is following her view looking into the off-screen space. There are a lot of shots filmed from a low angle in this scene.

Some of these techniques are similar in one of Spielberg's other films. This is a scene from the film E.T. the scene takes place where Elliot is in the cornfield where he first comes across ET.
Like the previous scene the colour washes are all quite dark and set in low-key lighting keeps the audience guessing, it creates a slight sense of fear and sets the narrative for this film. The dark colour washes show the fact that it is night time which automatically makes it tense. The depth of focus is similar in this scene using the corn and the grass as a way to frame Elliot through the foreground object. The quick shots of his face as he screams, changing from one angle to another creates panic and a slight sense of humour as you just witnessed what was scaring him. It feels like a slight montage of his reactions. As ET runs away through the cornfield it looks as though it is a tracking shot following his movements and the focus on Elliot draws further away.

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